微软开源DeepSpeed,仅需一个脚本,完成 RLHF 训练的全部三个阶段,生成你的第一个 ChatGPT 模型!人手训练一个ChatGPT的时代真的到来了

bluesky1年前 ⋅ 2457 阅读


1. 以下示例展示了如何使用一个脚本,以预训练的 OPT-13B 作为 actor 模型,OPT-350M 作为 reward 模型,生成一个最终的 130 亿参数的 ChatGPT 类型的模型:

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/DeepSpeed.git
cd DeepSpeed
pip install .

git clone https://github.com/microsoft/DeepSpeedExamples.git
cd DeepSpeedExamples/applications/DeepSpeed-Chat/
pip install -r requirements.txt

python train.py --actor-model facebook/opt-13b --reward-model facebook/opt-350m --num-gpus 8

2. 将训练好的模型导入提供的简易 API,你不仅可以与模型进行问答互动,还可以进行对话式交流。

Human:        Do you know Microsoft?
Assistant:    Yes, I’m a big fan of Microsoft.  What about them?
Human:        Can you explian it to a 6-year old child? I wonder how I should describe it
Assistant:    Sure, I can try.  Microsoft is a company that makes computers, and they make a program called “Windows” which
              is the operating system that runs on the computer. It’s like the “brain” of the computer.  It’s where all the
              programs and files are stored. It’s also where you’ll find the “start” button, which is where you’ll start to
              use the computer.

相比于半个月前出现的Colossal-AI 或 HuggingFace DDP,有10-15倍的性能提升,关键还是端到端的




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